Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hi Everyone

Hi Guys,

Since we have so many family member that live out of state I decided to make a blog with pictures and information about my family. This will be easier for me to keep everyone up to date and supply pictures without sending out numerous emails. You can also make comments on pictures or information from this site, just click on comments. I hope that this site will help us keep in touch easier by going to one site for everything. Please post any questions that you may have and information about yourselves.


Joe & Christy

Ok... I don't think you guys need to know our ages, but Joe is older than me :-) Joe is still running his own Lawn Service and doing great. He does have problems with his arms and hands, but he works through it and sacrifices for the family. I am a High School Librarian now and loving it. I am also going to school to get my Masters in Learning Technology and Information Services/Library Science, in other words getting my Masters to be a school librarian. I think I will go back when the kids get older and get my principalship, but this is in the far future, so we will see then. Joe and I are always on the go with four kids and three usually in sports, I don't know how we are going to do it next when they are all four playing. I also have a Harley that I like to ride when I have a spare moment, which isn't very often lately. :-) We still live in the little town of Nevada and are working on 17 years of marriage.


Oh my Rylie... Rylie is the baby of the family, four years old. Rylie is my hand full, into everything, climbs everything, and will do ANYTHING that her big sisters are doing. She was very upset when the softball board told her she was to young to play and she had to wait till next year. The thing is Rylie is very good at sports, because she has been mimicking her sisters since she was a baby. Rylie is a very tough little girl, but is also the momma and protective one of the kids. She will protect her older sisters like she was the big sister. No one will be able to pick on them in school!! Rylie is also very smart and catches on to things quick, I think it is because she has so many sibling to learn from. :-) She loves to ride four wheelers, bikes, jump on the trampoline and play basketball and softball. She may not be old enough to play on a team, but next year she will be awesome! Rylie is my only one with blond hair and brown eyes. All the rest have red hair and brown eyes.


Autumn is in PreK and is 5 years old. She is my miss priss little girl. She is also very independent. She has no problem playing by herself inside or outside. She likes to play softball, but her heart isn't in it like her big sisters is, yet. I am coaching her softball team this year and we are having tons of fun, even if we don't win all the time. She likes her nails painted and her hair long. I had to trim it the other day and she cried for 30 minutes. She is also my VERY stubborn child and she can hold a grudge for a very long time. She also has no problem letting you know that she loves you or that she is not happy with you. She once told her daycare teacher that was late picking her up from school one day, "Where have you been, I have been waiting here all day and I am starving!" She said all of this with her head cocked sideways and her hands on her hips. This coming from a 5 year old, imagine what she will be like when she is 13. :-) Aaghh, I am scared!!!


Madison is in 2nd grade and is 7 years old, although her birthday is coming up in May and she will tell you that she is 8. She loves to play softball, basketball and soccer. She doesn't get to play soccer as often as she would like because the season falls at the same time as softball and basketball. She is really good at all sports she plays, which is good because with four kids they are going to need to get scholarships for college :-) Madison also likes to ride four wheelers with her sisters and brother and her cousin Bailee. She likes to get her nails painted and go shopping. She loves clothes and the only one of my girls that will go shopping all day. Which I am not sure is a good thing... or a bad thing.


Trevor is in 5th grade and 11 years old. Wow! How time flies, I can't believe how old he is getting. In the 5th grade they have to pass the state tests for reading and math in order to go on to the 6th grade. Trevor has passed the reading test and is waiting on the scores for math, keep your fingers crossed, he struggles with math. I have no idea where he would get that from :-) He is not playing any sport right now, which is the first season he hasn't played something since he was four. I think he enjoyed his time off in the beginning, but now is starting to get bored. His favorite sport is basketball with football coming in second. Trevor also likes to go fishing, hunting and hanging out with his friends.