Sunday, April 20, 2008


Autumn is in PreK and is 5 years old. She is my miss priss little girl. She is also very independent. She has no problem playing by herself inside or outside. She likes to play softball, but her heart isn't in it like her big sisters is, yet. I am coaching her softball team this year and we are having tons of fun, even if we don't win all the time. She likes her nails painted and her hair long. I had to trim it the other day and she cried for 30 minutes. She is also my VERY stubborn child and she can hold a grudge for a very long time. She also has no problem letting you know that she loves you or that she is not happy with you. She once told her daycare teacher that was late picking her up from school one day, "Where have you been, I have been waiting here all day and I am starving!" She said all of this with her head cocked sideways and her hands on her hips. This coming from a 5 year old, imagine what she will be like when she is 13. :-) Aaghh, I am scared!!!

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