Sunday, April 20, 2008


Oh my Rylie... Rylie is the baby of the family, four years old. Rylie is my hand full, into everything, climbs everything, and will do ANYTHING that her big sisters are doing. She was very upset when the softball board told her she was to young to play and she had to wait till next year. The thing is Rylie is very good at sports, because she has been mimicking her sisters since she was a baby. Rylie is a very tough little girl, but is also the momma and protective one of the kids. She will protect her older sisters like she was the big sister. No one will be able to pick on them in school!! Rylie is also very smart and catches on to things quick, I think it is because she has so many sibling to learn from. :-) She loves to ride four wheelers, bikes, jump on the trampoline and play basketball and softball. She may not be old enough to play on a team, but next year she will be awesome! Rylie is my only one with blond hair and brown eyes. All the rest have red hair and brown eyes.

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